AMPLIFY: The Ultimate 10 Week Business Accelerator!
High-AchievingFemale Entrepreneurs who often fly close to the edge of burn out, are not generating the level of income that they know they're worth, and want to learn how to create content that generates $1000’s of $$$$’s.
Purpose-Driven Women in Business who want to increase their income, become known as experts in their field, and create greater social impact.
Female Advisors, Coaches, Consultants & Healers who want to take their mission, purpose and vision on this planet to the next level.
Conscious Female Entrepreneurs who prioritise their well-being, relationships, finances & self-expression, want to experience more pleasure, build substantial wealth and create meaningful impact.
Female Leaders who are learning to care less about what others think of them and more about contributing to the sustainable development of humanity and the planet by sharing their message powerfully with their ideal audience.
Get clear on your niche.
Create content that increases your income within 3 months.
Attract your ideal clients, the kind of clients who are ready to invest in themselves without hesitation, and turn them into engaged buyers consistently.
Position yourself as an expert by learning how to communicate your area of expertise powerfully, so that you can get sales now, and be paid at the level of an expert.
Get clear on your customer journey so that you can create new products and services on tap and sell existing ones to your ideal clients consistently, and with ease.
Build solid business foundations: In week 4, you get clear on what's important to you and learn how to make decisions powerfully without doubting yourself so that you can become laser focused on your priorities and begin to generate income consistently with ease.
Step into alignment: Get radically honest about what is working and what is not working so that you can learn how to set realistic goals, increase your income, become fully self-expressed and create meaningful impact without burning out.
Get out of your own way: You are who you are, right here, right now. There is no past. There is no present. You either learn to accept what is, learn to take intentional action to transform that which is not working for your life. Or you don't. In week 6, you get present to your self-sabotaging behaviors and beliefs and learn how to clear them so that you can increase your energy instead of feeling anxious and overwhelmed by your non-serving story of not being good enough.
Do what set's your soul on fire: So many people spend their lives doing the things that they're good at and land up waking up one day wondering what on earth they have done with their lives. Your products and services are a unique expression of the intersection of you passions and skills, not just what you're good at. In week 7, learn how to build your products and services powerfully so that you can do what set's your soul on fire, feel energised and increase your income with consistency, confidence and ease.
Share yourself unapologetically with the world. If you want to stand out and get noticed by your soulmate clients, you best own who you truly are and get laser focused on who they are. If you don't share yourself unapologetically with the world and get super clear on who you deeply desire to work with, the only person who'll be chomping at the bit to work with you, will be you. Build a powerful personal brand that is a direct representation of who you truly are. In week 8, You learn who your ideal client is, how to connect with them soul-to-soul and ignite a fire within them that has them investing in your support without hesitation.
Commit to be in service to humanity and the planet. Let's be clear, if you don't learn how to sell, you're not committing to being in service to humanity and the planet. Often people get confused between personal branding and sales. A personal brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room. A sale is the action of selling something. And unless you learn how to close deals consistently, you're not going on holiday anytime soon. In week 9, you learn how to build an effective sales process, convert leads into buyers with grace, ease and a deep sense of meaningful connection.
10 x Weekly Masterclasses(value $3,300)
10 x Acceleration workbooks(value $2,900)
3 x 1:1 Business Activation Sessions with Leigh to get clear on your business foundations (value $6,600). The kind of no fluff, deeply loving 1:1 support that has you stepping into your full power, creating content that converts, and learning how to generate sales consistently, and with grace, dignity, simplicity and flow.
3 x reviews and editing of your content + personalised support for 3 weeks in the private Content that Converts group (value $1,350). Direct feedback from Leigh to enable you to express your expertise with clarity, confidence and magnetism.
Laser focused clarity on your niche(priceless)
10 x Weekly Masterclasses(value $3,300)
10 x Acceleration workbooks(value $2,900)
Inategy Business School's Signature Client Assessment Frameworkto help you to get clear on your customer journey. The tools that you have learnt along your journey are powerful. The work that you do matters. Your expert guidance is life-changing. Now it's time to get clear on how to communicate all these pieces of your puzzle with your target audience, so that you can sell your products and services to them consistently, and with ease.
AWAKEN:A90-minute MASTERCLASSto enable you to EXPAND time and space, RELEASE your fear, and ACCELERATE your journey of ascension so that you can grow your business PROFITABLY, of sustainable FLOW, and be of GREATER SERVICE to self and others.
SALES PLANNING 101: 90 Minutes of laser focused guidance on how to build your annual sales plan - your clear pathway to reach your financial goals with ease + Sales planning template including quarterly program schedule, sales forecast and pricing framework.
20 CLIENTS IN 30 DAYS ACTIVATION: Receive strategic and energetic support for 30 days, and never have to worry about generating leads consistently or converting them into soul-aligned paying clients, again.
Total value $10,650. And you get all this for less than 60% of the total value.
It's a no brainer.
See you inside the AMPLIFY: The Ultimate 10 Week Business Accelerator.
You show up. You do the work. Your business grows. Your life transforms. What you put in is what you get out. There are no refunds. You are your money back guarantee.
AMPLIFY: The Ultimate 10 Week Business Accelerator!
AMPLIFY: The Ultimate 10 Week Business Accelerator!