When you commit to being supported by me…
The outcome? You EMBODY the highest version of yourself.
This is a GIVEN.
It's not,
not negotiable.
It just IS.
There are no money back guarantees.
There are no refunds.
You come to me to OWN your full power.
You leave in your FULL POWER.
The qualification process to work with me is tight.
We are either FULLY aligned,
Or we are not.
There’s no “let’s give this a crack and see if it’s works”.
This is NOT a grey area [I’ve learnt a few things along the way > spotting little red flags and walking away from them , has become one of my greatest super powers >>> #tookafewtears to learn the lesson ]
Your financial investment doesn’t excite me if we are not a match.
When you say YES to YOURSELF,
I say YES to you.
This financial year,
I committed to working deeply and intimately with only a few high-level leaders.
It’s worked a treat.
They show up,
They do the work,
They create the results.
I don’t coach coaches.
I lead leaders.
I don’t enter awards to receive credibility for my capacity to serve, or validate the concept and effectiveness of Inategy Business School, a Divine Feminine Leadership Collective and Online Business School that enables Conscious Leaders, Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs, and Socially Minded Coaches, Consultants, Advisors, Healers and Therapists to build and grow profitable and sustainable Multi-6-7 Figure Businesses, without having to compromise who they truly are.
I judge awards, lead judging teams, and enable others to be recognised for THEIR capacity to serve #innova8awards
I don’t teach you how to do what I teach.
I enable you to access your own innate gifts and share them powerfully with those who need them most, in alignment with that which is important to you, and that which you are committed to contributing to in the world.
And we ethically, energetically and strategically monetise the f*ck out of it, with minimal output, laser focus, simplicity, grace, dignity and flow.
I don’t certify you when you complete any of Inategy Business School’s coursework.
You don’t walk away with a piece of paper that says you are qualified to teach a certain skill set or modality….yet #watchthisspace #magicbrewing
I enable you to LEAD from the HIGHEST LEVEL OF INTEGRITY, in the purest form of alignment that exists.
I am here to enable you to integrate your soul’s intelligence with your human technology, live a great life, and contribute to the evolution of humanity of the planet whilst having f*cktons of fun, and learning bucket loads of cool stuff along the way.
I’m FULLY here for it!
Are YOU?
I have opened up 6 places to work with me in 2022.
DM me here to apply.
For me to say yes to supporting you to embody the highest version of yourself.
You are required to say yes to yourself,
When you open yourself to RECEIVE all that which I am here to serve you, in order for you to return home to yourself, you become LIMITLESS.
It’s a given.
Stay where you are now.
Or increase your capacity to create that which you desire for your life and business.
It’s simple.
Make a choice. And take intentional action.
Honouring you for rising Beautiful Human.
And honouring myself, my team, my friends and my family for supporting Inategy Business School to grow to where it is today.
3 years in, and we’re just about to cross over the $300K mark.
Projected to cross over 7-Figures in the next 18 months.
And when I win, my clients WIN THREE TIMES OVER
Celebrating Abbey Pantano Bramley, one of my VIP clients who I enabled to the same in her FIRST YEAR of business > which she launched just as C-one-9 hit #300K #12monthsoflove
Here’s to those who plant seeds, and take the intentional action to enable them to grow
Anyone can build and grow a soul-aligned purpose-driven business.
Not everyone is built to do so,
profitably and sustainably.
Find your thing, master it, and share it generously with others.
Listen to your inner whispers.
And take courageous action...The world needs you.
With love, light and excitement for your imminent next level of expansion.
I can’t wait to celebrate your success.
DM me here to claim your place.
Leigh Jane Woodgate is a Business Growth Advisor, Leadership Mentor, Author of two international #1 bestselling books “Trailblazers” and “Awakening”, and the Founder of Inategy Business School, a Leadership Collective and Online Business School that enables Conscious Leaders, Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs, and Socially-minded Coaches, Consultants, Advisors and Healers to build and grow profitable and sustainable Multi-6-7 Figure Businesses, without having to compromise who they truly are, to achieve their wildest dreams.
For over 20 years Leigh has built and grown successful global businesses alongside influential entrepreneurs & CEO’s. She understands the power of balancing masculine and feminine energy, integrating nature's cycles and aligning tailored business strategy to each individual to support sustainable business growth. Her clients work with her to learn how to do less and earn more so that they can experience more pleasure, build substantial wealth, and create greater impact with grace, simplicity, dignity and flow.
Born in Johannesburg. Raised by a Single Dad. She lives in Sydney with her 13 year son, Noah the Young Man (N.TYM)
Connect with her here:
Email: leigh@leighjanewoodgate.com
- Mission, Purpose, Vision (37)
- Sales, Marketing & Communication (16)
- Business, Pleasure & Life (23)
- Business Strategy (8)
- Nature's Cycles (4)
- Your Human Operating System (13)
- Divine Feminine Leadership (20)
- Celebrations (11)
- Business, Sex & Being Human: The Radio Show (7)
- Life (1)
- The Podcast (15)
- The Podcast Season 2 (12)
- Healing (5)
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