Hello Beautiful Human

I'm Leigh Jane Woodgate, Mama to Noah the Young Man, my 15 year old son, High-Performance Leadership Mentor, Business Growth Advisor, Human Optimiser, Author of three #1 international bestselling books, 'Trailblazers', 'Awakening', and 'Sacred Silver Linings', and the Founder of Inategy Business School, an online business school and leadership collective that enables creative business owners, purpose-driven entrepreneurs, and high-performance conscious leaders to build and grow sustainable soul-aligned businesses with grace, simplicity, dignity and flow.

Hello Beautiful Human

I'm Leigh Jane Woodgate, Mama to Noah the Kid, my 13 year old son, Business Growth Advisor, Leadership Mentor, Author of two #1 international bestselling books, “Trailblazers” and “Awakening”, and the Founder of Inategy Business School, an online business school and leadership collective that enables purpose-driven entrepreneurs and conscious leaders to build and grow profitable and sustainable Multi-6-7 Figure businesses with grace, simplicity and flow.

HelloBeautiful Human

I'm Leigh Jane Woodgate, Mama to Noah the Young Man, my 15 year old son, High-Performance Leadership Mentor, Business Growth Advisor, Human Optimiser, Author of three #1 international bestselling books, 'Trailblazers', 'Awakening', and 'Sacred Silver Linings', host of Business, Sex & Being Human, the Podcast and the Founder of Refined Her, a conscious leadership collective, and Inategy Business School, an award winning online business school for industry leaders, soul-led business owners, purpose-driven entrepreneurs, creatives, consultants, advisors, and healers to optimise themselves for sustainable personal and business growth.

Welcome home...

You're in the right place if you're wanting to experience more pleasure, build substantial wealth and create greater social impact through sustainable personal and business growth, without having to compromise who you truly are.

About Me 

For over 20 years I have built successful global businesses alongside influential entrepreneurs & CEO’s. And during this time I have come to understand the three fundamental components for sustainable business growth (more on this in a moment).

Being the driven, yet huge fan of "doing nothing" Taurean that I am, I love to do as little as possible to generate the most effective outcomes for greater social impact without compromising my health, relationships, finances or self-expression to do so, and I help my clients to do the same.

I have been lucky enough to have travelled to over 35 countries whilst supporting some very important people to realise their visions.

From working in the elitist world of private yachting to managing exclusive events around the globe, and supporting corporations in the financial, manufacturing and distribution sectors to grow, as well as being immersed in the complexity of a not-for-profit organisation...

I’ve had the opportunity to witness and experience the impact of effective leadership on businesses, as well as the impact of the lack thereof.

As a big-picture-detail-orientated-problem-solver-get-the-important-stuff-done-with-flow kind of woman...I have the ability to see risks and possibilities way before they are visible to most. And in 2017 I arrived at a point in my life where it was clear that it was time to exit from the world of "less than leadership", and create a world of leadership driven by integrity, lived values and principles, virtuous exchanges, and meaningful connection through conscious communication.

And so began my entrepreneurial journey just before turning 36 when I finally gave myself permission to dream big, own all parts myself, and take the steps required to create a life of freedom, flexibility and vitality.

In 2018, 11 weeks after I resigned on the spot with no idea of what I was going to do next, I successfully launched my business and within 3 years I had reached my almost-half-a-million-dollar business goal, profitably and sustainably.

It’s been a wild ride, and I can without a doubt say that the fundamental building blocks to creating sustainable success, is a deep understanding of what drives you, the cultivation of unwavering self-belief, and a laser focused mission, purpose and vision.

Being South African, born and raised by a single Father in Johannesburg - one of the first men in South Africa to gain custody of a child in the 1980s, let's just say that I was set-up powerfully to take on life's challenges with grit, resilience and an anything is possible attitude.

Back then, if you had told me that by 2021 I would be on the path to generating a million in revenue, be in partnership with over 20 successful female entrepreneurs, supported by a team of incredibly aligned individuals with integrity, and have helped hundreds of high-achieving conscious female entrepreneurs to build and grow sustainable businesses for social impact, I wouldn't have believed you.

We're here to bring more harmony to the world, to bridge the gap between power and leadership, suffering and self-actualisation, and create a world where everyone has the opportunity to make it.

Change happens fast.

Own who you truly are, get clear on what deeply matters to you and why, and before you know it you'll be making decisions that support you to realise your deepest desires at an accelerated pace.


The 3 pillars to sustainable business growth.

> Apply your masculine and feminine energy effectively

> Integrate nature's cycles into your daily life 

> Align tailored business strategy to your individual operating system


And watch the Magic unfold... 

If you are a soul-led purpose-driven entrepreneur or high-performance conscious leader who wants to build and grow a sustainable business without having to compromise yourself to achieve your wildest dreams... 

Join us in Inategy Business School, an online business school and leadership collective that enables the boundary pushers, change-makers, social advocates, purpose-driven entrepreneurs and conscious leaders like you to build and grow sustainable businesses with grace, dignity, simplicity and flow, so that you can experience more pleasure, build sustainable wealth, and create greater social impact.

Laptop Design

join inategy business school to LEARN HOW TO:

+ Make aligned decisions quickly and without self-doubt so that you can create unlimited time and space to do more of the things that bring you joy and less of the things that decrease your self-confidence.

+ Get laser focused on your priorities, increase your energy levels and get stuff done without burning out.

+ Take control of your finances, generate meaningful revenue and consistent cash flow. ​​

+ ​Meet your fear and clear it.

+ ​Manage your emotions powerfully to build unwavering confidence and become the most unapologetic version of yourself.

​+ Heal past trauma to live in alignment with your soul's purpose without having to compromise who you are at your core.

 + ​Build a soul-aligned product and services ecosystem that turns leads into buyers consistently with grace, simplicity and flow.

+ ​Increase your following, engage your community powerfully, and do less to earn more.

+ ​Create a personal brand that is a direct representation of who you truly are.

+ ​Attract soulmate clients who are ready to invest in themselves and pay you without hesitation.

​+ Communicate your areas of expertise powerfully and increase your income.

+ ​Build a sales system and process which converts leads into buyers without having to sell your soul.



  • Refined Her

    “I’ve spent lots of money on Mentorship, courses and my university degree, but I’ve never worked with anyone like Leigh before. She’s the real deal. She cuts through the bullsh*t, sees the light in you and shows you how you can share it with the world. If you’re ready for exponential growth, and have been trying to figure it out yourself and haven’t quite got there, I highly recommend working with her”

    Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Founder of Rainbow Tribe & The Academy of Elemental Alchemy, and International #1 Best-selling Author

  • Refined Her

    “Due to the global pandemic hitting it was the perfect time to explore new business possibilities and invest in myself. I started working with Leigh as I wanted to launch a crisis management company to assist those on the frontlines in the time of COVID-19, and explore another business idea which really made my heart sing. Within 12 weeks of working with Leigh, I did both. I have been blown away by Leigh’s ability to break everything apart and so delicately put all the pieces in place so everything just works. Even the pieces that I thought didn’t fit, she created order with such ease. I highly recommend her. Leigh is a genius at what she does.”

    Spiritual Advisor, International #1 Bestselling Author, and the Founder of Your Sacred Signature

  • Refined Her

    “I wanted to gain greater clarity on business foundations, who I am as an entrepreneur, how to 'do me', and not get caught up in the noise out there. Since working with Leigh, my business foundations are much stronger. Leigh and the group's support is undoubtedly as valuable as the content itself. The outcomes are ongoing because her programs are not about a quick fix, but rather a discovery of not just business and strategy, but of self. Leigh enabled me to take the foot of the gas and learn how to do business from a more easeful perspective. Working with Leigh provides a level of love and support that is worth every cent. Her intuitive style of working combined with teaching confidence with business acumen provides much more than just a business course. I would 100% recommend working with Leigh. She's a powerhouse human who empowers others to rise to their full potential”

    Life Coach and Founder of Your Good Life

  • Refined Her

    “I tripled my return of investment within 3 weeks of working with Leigh by finally getting clear on my niche after 4 years of trying to figure it out. Thanks to Leigh’s brilliant ability to ‘hit the nail on the head’, I am able to own who I am and who I serve. I enrolled in Leigh’s programs as I was ready to work hard and fast and hear constructive criticism and IT’S ALL PAID OFF! My life and business are more expansive now and the path ahead is clear. I really enjoyed Leigh’s honest, direct approach, her very ‘hands on’ online support, ability to cut through the BS and keep moving forward, and her belief that anything is possible. I would highly recommend her to any entrepreneur who knows they have something amazing to offer, but can’t nail the right words, reach the right people, or believe that success is possible for them. Working with Leigh you will save yourself A LOT of time, frustration and money, and you will be helping those who you’re meant to be helping much sooner than you thought possible. ”

    Relationship Expert and Founder of Women of Integrity

  • Refined Her

    “Within 12 weeks of working with Leigh, I gained absolute clarity. Who knew dreaming your life into being was so f*cking magical! Before working with Leigh, I was feeling stuck in my own offering, unsure of where I was really moving and what I truly wanted to offer. At the same time confined by a role that my soul wanted me out of. Now I’m selling out my programs and retreats with little to no marketing. Owning my gifts and sharing them with my target audience is effortless. I had been magnetised by Leigh’s authenticity and full power activation and it just kept calling me and calling me and calling me, and I’m so glad I followed the call. I desired clarity, activation, unapologetic authenticity and a map and framework to embody so that I could bring my soul’s work into being. I’ve resigned from my part time job, for the first time my life TRULY excites me, and I’ve never felt so inspired and excited as I am creating content and courses that I love. I didn’t think this was possible. Thank you Leigh”

    Feminine Embodiment Mentor






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guidance on calibrating to the frequency of purpose-driven, soul-aligned business and life.




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guidance on how to navigate business and life




Designed and built with love by Abbey Pantano-Bramley and Rachelle Deem